As Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Through your partnership, you are directly fulfilling this call, helping us take the message of Jesus to the unreached.
Romans 10:14-15 reminds us of the urgency of spreading the gospel: “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?” By partnering with us, you are helping send the good news of Jesus Christ to those who are lost and perishing, bringing hope and transformation to countless lives.

Why Your Partnership Matters

At Living Water Outreach Ministry, we are committed to bringing salvation, healing, and deliverance to the nations, especially to those who have never heard the gospel. Your partnership helps us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, bringing salvation, healing, and deliverance to those in need. Together, we are igniting revival, advancing God’s Kingdom, and preparing hearts for the end-time harvest.

Your Partnership is Changing lives around the world

Become a Kingdom Builder

We offer five levels of partnership, each designed to help you make an eternal impact. No matter the level, your support helps bring the gospel to the unreached and ignites revival around the world.

Seed Partner
$10/month (Reaches approximately 200 souls)

As a Seed Partner, your contribution plants the seeds of the gospel in hearts across the world. Just as a small seed grows into a mighty tree, your support helps spread the good news of Jesus Christ to those who need to hear it.
Your monthly gift allows the gospel to be shared consistently, reaching people who are hungry for salvation and deliverance through Jesus.
- Monthly newsletter with updates on how lives are being saved and transformed.
- Special prayer covering from the ministry team for your family.

Become A Seed Partner
Harvest Partner
$25/month (Reaches approximately 500 souls)

As a Harvest Partner, you are helping to gather the harvest of souls for the Kingdom. Your commitment helps bring those who are lost into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Your partnership funds evangelistic outreach efforts, helping us ensure that more people hear the gospel and come to faith.
-All Seed Partner benefits.
-Access to special teachings.
-Discounts on Kingdom resources (books, materials).

Become A Harvest Partner
Breakthrough Partner
$50/month (Reaches approximately 1000 souls)

As a Breakthrough Partner, you are standing in faith with us for spiritual breakthroughs in the lives of those bound by sin and darkness. Your partnership makes a direct impact on those in need of freedom and restoration through Jesus.
Your giving enables us to bring the message of deliverance to those who are oppressed, leading them to experience the freedom and victory found in Christ.
- All Harvest Partner benefits.
- Exclusive Living Water Outreach Ministry lapel pin as a symbol of your commitment to advancing the gospel and bringing breakthroughs in people's lives.
- Monthly video message from the pastors to share testimonies of lives being saved.

Become A Breakthrough Partner
Freedom Partner
$100/month (Reaches approximately 2000 souls)

As a Freedom Partner, you are a key supporter in leading people into true freedom in Christ. Your partnership reflects a deep desire to see captives set free from the chains of sin and empowered to live victoriously in Jesus.
Your significant contribution supports global missions and large-scale evangelistic efforts, expanding our reach to bring deliverance and healing to oppressed regions of the world.
- All Breakthrough Partner benefits.
- Access to a private online community with other Kingdom partners.
- Exclusive invitations to special events and partner gatherings.
- Invitation to quarterly virtual Q&A with ministry leaders to hear updates on how your support is saving souls.

Become A Freedom Partner
Legacy Partner
$250/month and above (Reaches approximately 5000 souls)

As a Legacy Partner, you are leaving an eternal legacy for the Kingdom of God. Your support is not just for today but for future generations who will hear the gospel because of your investment.
Your generous contribution allows us to undertake large-scale initiatives, such as launching new programs and missions that will transform lives for years to come.
- All Freedom Partner benefits.
- Personal phone call from the ministry team for prayer and encouragement.
- Priority seating at LWOM events.
- Exclusive Living Water Outreach Ministry T-shirt as a token of appreciation for your commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God.

Become A Legacy Partner